Full contact interchange :

Richards, Jack C.

Full contact interchange : Intro Jack C. Richards - 1a. edición. - Cambridge, New York : Cambridge University Press, 2012. - 96 paginas. : ilustraciones. ; CD ROM 28 cm.

Contents index.

Plan of Intro Book.
Unit 1. It`s nice to meet you.
Unit 2. What`s this?
Unit 3. Where are you from?
Unit 4. I`m not waring boots!
Unit 5. What are you doing?
Unit 6. My sister works downtown.
Unit 7. Does it have a view?
Unit 8. What do you do?
Unit 9. Brocoli is good for you.
Unit 10. I can`t miss it.
Unit 11. What are you going to do?
Unit 12. What`s the matter?
Unit 13. You can`t miss it.
Unit 14. Did you have fun?
Unit 15. Where were you born?
Unit 16. Can she call you later?

INterchange Third Edition is a fully revised edition of New Interchange, the word`s most successful English series for adult and young adult learners. Each unit includes up-to-date content, additional grammar practice, and more opportunities to develop speaking and listening skills. The series incorporates suggestions from teachers and sutdents all over the world. By keeping the best, and improving the rest, it remains the series that everyone has grown to know and love.



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